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Often when we think about the word community we only consider the people near to us physically. Perhaps people in the same town or even state as us.

One of the definitions of the word community is “a feeling of fellowship with others”.

Students were challenged this year to think beyond the boundaries of just their local town and to see how they could create that feeling with others by serving people in another country.

A very important project, this year, was the sewing of shorts and dresses that were being taken on a trip to bless people in small villages in Brazil. Multiple students spend many hours preparing, cutting, and sewing shorts and dresses, that could also be used as shirts for an adult, to be delivered to families along the Amazon River. Even though they won’t personally meet the people who received them, they still gain a sense of fellowship and community by knowing that their hard work and actions are helping others. It’s a wonderful for us to see these young people find joy in  helping others.


  How You Can Get Involved  


Do you enjoy crafting?


Do you enjoy sewing, knitting, or crocheting?


Do you enjoy up-cycling?


Do you enjoy having conversation over a cup of coffee?


Do you enjoy a good laugh?


If any or all of these things describes you, then volunteering at the Project 479 room is for you!

Please contact us at:


We also accept monetary gifts and can provide a tax receipt upon request.


Your contribution will provide for room needs such as craft supplies, sewing supplies, coffee supplies, snacks, etc.


We accept anything and everything! Items we currently need donated:


- Mens neck ties

- Cotton pillow stuffing

- Crafting items 

- School supplies (glue sticks, large black sharpies, tacky glue, E6000            glue, large black expo markers, etc.)

- Scrapbooking supplies

- Cardstock (basic and multi colors)

- Trendy, new fabric

- Buttons

- White sewing thread & serger thread

- Split key rings

- Small mason jars or clean baby food jars

- Cricut Machine

- Healthy, individually wrapped snacks (crackers, fruits and veggies,    granola bars, etc.)

- Coffee grounds, creamer, or sugar


Email us and we can come pick up your donated items. 

Contact us at:


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© 2015 Project 479 by Reality Check, Inc.

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